Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So ... it's official. I've left my Southern Baptist roots and have been attending a *gasp* "Pentecostal" church. That's right... I said it. And can I just say... I absolutely love it. I love being a part of a community of believers that "get" living the Gospel ... and do it so well. I love being a part of a people that love deeply, just because... and simply put... love God, love people. But... did I mention it's Pentecostal in theology?

So needless to say, I’ve been doing some studying. I’ve been learning about the Holy Spirit. I’ve been studying what the Scriptures have to say about this beautiful Counselor, this magnificent Teacher, this amazing Comforter. And... it makes me happy.

It’s interesting, telling people I’ve been attending this new church. Most react with, “Hmmm… yeah, I don’t do that whole speaking in tongues thing,” or “Oh, so they believe in all that Baptism of the Holy Spirit stuff?” or my personal favorite, “So do you get ‘slain in the Spirit’ there?” These things make me giggle a bit inside.

But, it has me thinking. Clearly, I’ve been “churched” in the Southern Baptist world. I am beyond comfortable there. I received my masters from a Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, therefore, I am educated in Southern Baptist doctrine. Since I was actually raised in a Catholic home, I have some of that theology rattling around in my soul, as well. But, Pentecostal? This is new territory, folks.

I’ve begun looking into the Word, seeing what it has to say about the gift of tongues, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, etc. And… it has to say quite a bit.

The point of this entry isn’t to really focus on all the things I am learning, but mainly to discuss the word “weird.” Who defines the word “weird” in relationship to the Holy Spirit? The obvious, most holy response, would be “Jesus”… He is the answer, right? But… Jesus is pretty weird. =) He spits in people’s eyes, He randomly writes in the sand, He walks on water… we see Him doing some “weird” things. In the Old Testament, we see God doing even weirder things. I’m not even going to list them (the Red Sea… what the?).

So… weirdness. Just think about it. A few friends and I have been discussing this topic of “Who defines what weird is?” And it’s been a fascinating discussion. Who is to say lying on the ground is weird? Who is to say lifting up one’s hands or clapping out of joy is weird? Who is to say speaking in tongues is weird?

Of course… I am not one to pull Scripture out of context… just hear me on this one… who determines weirdness? And if we begin to determine what weird is and what weird isn’t… doesn’t God then become confined to our definition of weird?

I have heard some say, it’s weird when people lift their hands in church… that it makes them uncomfortable… but look at Exodus 17: 11-12 -
Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.

See… weird, right? God is seriously all about the weirdness.

I won’t continue on writing on all this madness…. But, these are the thoughts in my head these days. Perhaps I’m weird? =)

This new church I’ve been attending… I like it. A lot. There a few things that don’t jive with me, that perhaps I don’t agree with, that I feel uncomfortable with. But in the end, I’m all about surrounding myself with believers that love God, love people, and seek to be Kingdom minded in all things. So… there it is. =)


shontell said...

and now the world will end because you finally blogged. Too bad you couldn't have realized all of this sooner. You have left yourself no time to let it sink in. sigh.
My favorite weirdness about the bible is the mockery. People don't believe me when I say mockery is my spiritual gifting. Okay, it isn't, but it's certainly a talent.

Travis Orth said...

I have always said, "Weirdness is individuality."
Because weird, as i have heard from others, is often defined as "not normal" or "out of the norm".
Then you have to think about what "normal" is.
"Normal" is a mere perception of what one finds acceptable in every day life and this very from person to person.
That being the case, there is no true "normal" so there can be no true "weirdness".
so if each one of us has our own normal and someone else is different, it is weird for us.
Therefore, weirdness is individuality.
It's what makes us...individuals.