Thursday, March 12, 2009


i only have a second to write... here goes...

Thanks to my week in Texas, I am now officially contemplating idolatry. =)  I heard a sermon this week that has settled deep in my soul and keeps breathing new meaning each time I ponder it.  I listened as Matt Chandler preached on God being a Jealous God (podcast it, Patti!)...and I must admit... the brother got my mind reeling. =)

What an unreal concept... that Holy God, in His infinite love... is jealous for my attention.  It's natural, as Matt mentioned in his sermon, for us to hear the word "jealous" and think that somehow God is longing for something that He doesn't have.  It seems silly to believe God would be "wanting" for anything.  But, the concept of jealousy, in God's case, is simply... He is jealous for what is RIGHTFULLY HIS.  oh, that's me, by the way.

but... the tricky thing is... though i am completely God's... i choose to give myself over to other things before Him.  i place other things in His rightful place... and His jealousy is aroused for me.

can you believe it?  i am just a silly girl. =)

anyway, think about that.