Tuesday, August 12, 2008

rise up.

there is a concept that keeps rattling around in my soul. it's this question we ask often... it's the "God, where are you?" question that we ask when things are hard, when they seem dark, and when God seems distant. it's the question that breeds doubt in us concerning our Creator... it's the question that inevitably finds it's way to the surface of our hearts when we learn of poverty, see starving children, discover atrocities around the world. and so recently..... i came before the Lord and asked Him simply... "God... where are you?" ... as so many of us do.

His repsonse, ever so gently, was this:
"Rebecca... where are you?"


As believers, we're it. We're meant to be setting the captives free, binding up the broken-hearted... we're meant to be feeding the starving, clothing the naked, and offering shelter to the homeless. instead, i find myself sitting in my comfort and convincing myself that others are "called" and others will "go" and others are more "servant hearted" and so i sit. and i question.

ironically, in the midst of serving others, God reveals Himself to me and there becomes no room for questions. it's evident in the moment you're down on your knees holding a small broken child, or painting the face of a elderly man in a nursing home just to make him smile, or taking a moment to lay self down to help others ... that God is real. that He is here. that He is moving. i think i miss God everyday because i am so wrapped up in my world. ah, to fix my eyes on Jesus and see Him reveal Himself to the lonely, the outcast, the sorrowful through me.

as believers, He asks that we be like Him. that we go... that we serve... that we lay self down. i keep coming back to the idea that love that isn't sacrificial isn't love at all. that being said... in this day, as God asks me the question, "Rebecca, where are you?" ... i find myself anxious to rise up, to stand firm, hold my ground, and say... "here... i'm here, God... use me."

may our faith be visable... may people know God exists because they encounter His love for them through our lives. Christians do a lot of things wrong... and this is one thing we cannot continue to mess up in... =) we've got to get loving people right! we've got to stop preaching a message while failing to live it in our actions. the world is missing Christ because we aren't showing up.

so... here's to showing up. to living faith. to God revealing His love for the world in us.

will you serve?

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