Monday, June 30, 2008


i leave for africa in six days. this is exciting. i am anticipating greatness. =) honestly... i am overwhelmed at the way this whole thing has come together. this trip has had the fingerprints of God all over it... pretty amazing stuff.

anyway, as i prepare to lead four high school students into a realm of extreme poverty and cultural diversity... i am consumed with thoughts of the unknown. this will be my first time to africa, and my only experience leading a team of students doing overseas mission work. again... i am anticipating greatness.

have you ever felt so prepared to be unprepared? i think that i will look very much like gumby on this adventure... flexible and ready to be molded. i have no idea what to expect except the unexpected. and i am very much ready to have my life transformed.

all that to say.. though this writing is not communicating much, and my thoughts are scattered and my mind is in a million places as i prepare to leave the country... i am aware of God's movement in all this and am much anticipating His work to be accomplished.

here's to doing all things for His glory, His renown, and His pleasure. =)


KMT said...

My hope is that a Kingdom passion is stirred in you while you are in Africa. I am so curious to hear what your thoughts are post-Africa. I am proud of you!

Brianna Soloski said...

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. I am so proud of you, Rebecca. I have so much awe and admiration for your spirit and your ability to help other people. I know that you will do great things in Africa and your students are lucky to have you as their leader. I can't wait to hear about all your amazing adventures. I love you!