Sunday, August 8, 2010


When I was learning about God and figuring out faith, I was told I was entering into a "personal relationship" with Jesus. Though, I deeply appreciate this phrase, I think it fails to truly captivate the relationship God longs for us to have with Him. I think the word "personal" holds us in bondage to thinking that we have to do it alone, on our own... figuring it all out and processing through. But, throughout Scripture, God makes it clear that this is not his intention. His focus is always on His church. He gives us gifts that work together for good... and He desires that we live life in relationship with others. I think our relationship with Him is meant to be public, to be shared, to be open. However, we're so afraid of what people will think, of how we'll be perceived that we miss out on the beauty of true friendship. We miss out on the blessing of being in a community. We ... miss ... out.

I think God has amazing plans for relationships ... I think we need to get in line with that. The bottom line is that life should be about seeking Him, figuring out where He's headed, and jump on board. He makes it clear that relationships are essential, they should be of highest priority ... so I think we should align ourselves with that. =)

At the end of the day, the thing I value the most in my life are the people that invest in it. =) And those I have the joy of pouring myself into. And when I am broken, a mess, and tears are leaking all over my face... they are the people I feel safe with. For these people, I thank God. And to Him, I am thankful that He designed us in such a way to NEED each other. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation. In fact, in Proverbs... it tells us, He who lives life in isolation is a fool... so, to avoid being foolish... I choose people. I choose to be vulnerable, open, honest, and in deep relationships with brilliant people. =)

Thanks to those who I am honored to call friends. You are my heroes and you make me who I am. Thanks for speaking truth in my life and walking through life's beautiful journeys with me.

Here's to tomorrow. =)